The writer's block

Posted on Jan 31, 2018

In the last month and a half I wrote 3 blogposts that I did not publish and that are still in my pipeline. Some of them are partially ready, some undone, but it’s their content their problem. Most of them are non technical and related to things I think, I saw and thoughts on my career and life as an engineer. Over time and due to a couple of episodes that happened this year to me and to someone close to me, I got much less comfortable in sharing those thoughts freely. While none of those episodes really turned out to be a problem, they made me reconsider my presence on social media. I haven’t changed (yet?) the way I use Twitter and co, but I cannot avoid thinking and thinking twice before publishing something more complex than just a simple fun tweet. And there it is, my “writer’s block”. And I guess I’ll share a bit less of what I originally wanted to share for a while.