I was hacked

Today, thanks to a very good friend of mine, I discovered my email account (Yahoo!) was hacked. I was shocked at the beginning, cause I was never hacked before in my life, and the funny thing is that it happened now that I’m way more paranoid than years ago. Without sharing too many details, here some lessons re-learned: Always be as paranoid as you can as there is no such thing as security.…
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Why I Like Go

Go is an extremely popular language these days and many articles are popping here and there about the details of the language, why it is cool or why it sucks. Since a few years developers are debating about the use of interfaces, the lack of generics and so on. Go is now living its best moment due to a wide adoption from projects like docker and kubernetes. The reason I like Go, though, is not because it is popular, not because of goroutines or because of its huge adoption: it’s because it is very easy to read.…
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Football, Cars and Europe

What do football and cars have to do with Europe? Simply put: they play exactly the same role in European countries. People spend a significant amount of time being fan of a club, going to stadiums and getting involved in long discussion on why their club is better than the others and why the other clubs suck so much. I saw the same happening for cars today as the Volkswagen scandal got public.…
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Mesoscon 2015 Videos Available

Following up to the previous blogpost, here the playlist with the videos from the Mesoscon 2015. Watch them while they are hot!…
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Mesoscon 2015

Today I’ve been harvesting Twitter about Mesoscon 2015 which has been extremely interesting. In the last three months, when I’m not writing Go code, I’ve been spending most of my time reading and experimenting with solutions somehow similar to DCOS and with Kubernetes and therefore all the slides and tweets from the conference are indeed a great input for my work. Here a list of things that I’m interested in and that I’ll read (and blog?…
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Kubernetes and Google's Cloud Strategy

We all know that Google was struggling a lot in the last year to get some users to switch from AWS to Google Cloud Engine as most of the startups and companies that decided to use cloud services were currently using Amazon AWS. Google tried hard in the past to be a relevant player in the PaaS offering with Google App Engine, but this was more about fighting Heroku than AWS and while they were so busy making this, they wasted years during which Amazon got the whole market of IaaS.…
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Learning Go

I spent my last week of work trying to learn Go. Till now, the experience is very strange: I mostly like the language so far, but there are many things that are surprising and different from other languages like empty interfaces, the whole idea of the error handling without exceptions, no classes, etc. While I try to have a serious idea about Go (I need some more days of development) I will try to collect here some links that I found useful.…
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Hello World

Hi everybody, I just moved my blog here. I will write mainly about technology, teams and social stuff. I will not post regularly as I do a lot of things in my life and sometimes I struggle to find the right time for blogging. If you like my approach and what I write, feel free to contact me on Twitter… I’m @x0rg. See you on the internet.…
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